Radishes are composed of an outer coat and a cartilaginous
substance, and in many instances the rind is found to be thicker
than the bark of some trees. This plant is remarkable for its
pungency, which increases in proportion to the thickness of the
rind: in some cases, too, the surface of it assumes a ligneous
nature. Radishes are flatulent[1] to a remarkable degree, and
are productive of eructations; hence it is that they are looked
upon as an aliment only fit for low-bred people,[2] and this
more particularly if coleworts are eaten directly after them.
If, on the other hand, they are eaten with green olives, the
eructations produced are not so frequent, and less offensive.
In Egypt the radish is held in very high esteem, on account
of the abundance of oil[3] that is extracted from the seed. In-
The Greeks have distinguished the radish[4] into three different kinds, according to the characteristic features of the leaves, there being the crisped leaf, the smooth leaf, and the wild radish, the leaf of which is smooth, but shorter than that of the others; it is round also, grows in great abundance, and spreads like a shrub. The taste of this last variety is acrid, and it acts medicinally as a strong purgative. In the first kind, again, there are certain differences, determined by the seed, for in some varieties the seed is of an inferior quality, and in others remarkably small: these defects, however, are only found to exist in the kind that has the crisped leaf.
Our own people, again, have found other varieties of the radish: there is the Algidan[5] radish, long and transparent, so called from the place of its growth: another, similar to the rape in form, is known as the Syrian radish; it is pretty nearly the mildest and the most tender of them all, and is well able to bear the winter. The very best of all, however, is the one that has been brought from Syria, very recently it would seem, as we do not find it mentioned by any of our writers: it lasts the whole of the winter through. In addition to these kinds, there is another, a wild variety, known by the Greeks as "agrion,"[6] and to the people of Pontus as "armon," while others, again, call it "leuce,[7] and our people "armoracia;"[8] it has more leaves, however, than root.
In testing the quality of the radish, it is the stem more par-
The radish requires to be sown in a loose, humid soil, has a
great aversion to manure, and is content with a dressing solely
of chaff: so fond is it of the cold, that in Germany it is known
to grow as large as an infant in size.[9] For the spring crop,
it is sown immediately after the ides of February;[10] and then
again about the time of the Vulcanalia,[11] this last crop being
looked upon as the best: many persons, however, sow radishes
in March, April, and September. When the plant begins to
grow to any size, it is considered a good plan to cover up the
leaves successively, and to earth up the root as well; for the
part of it which appears above ground is apt to become hard
and pithy. Aristomachus recommends the leaves to be taken
off in winter, and the roots to be well moulded up, to prevent
the water from accumulating about them; and he says, that
by using these precautions, they will be all the finer in summer.
Some authors have mentioned a plan of making a hole with a
dibble, and covering it at the bottom with a layer of chaff, six
fingers in depth; upon this layer the seed is put, and then
covered over with manure and earth; the result of which is,
according to their statement, that radishes are obtained full as
large as the hole so made. It is salt, however, that conduces
more particularly to their nutriment, and hence it is that they are
often watered with brine; in Egypt, too, the growers sprinkle
nitre[12] over them, the roots being remarkable for their mildness
The salt, too, has the similar effect of removing all their pungency, and when thus treated, they become very similar in
their qualities to radishes that have been boiled: for when
boiled they become sweet and mild, and eat, in fact, just like
Medical men recommend raw radishes to be eaten fasting, with salt, for the purpose[13] of collecting the crude humours of the viscera; and in this way they prepare them for the action of emetics. It is said, too, that the juices of this plant are absolutely necessary for the cure of certain diseases of the diaphragm; for it has been found by experiment, in Egypt, that the phthiriasis[14] which attaches itself to the internal parts of the heart, cannot possibly be eradicated by any other remedy, the kings of that country having ordered the bodies of the dead to be opened and examined, for the purpose of enquiring into certain diseases.
Such, too, is the frivolity of the Greeks, that, in the temple of Apollo at Delphi, it is said, the radish is so greatly preferred to all other articles of diet, as to be represented there in gold, the beet in silver, and the rape in lead.—You might be very sure that Manius Curius was not a native of that country, the general whom, as we find stated in our Annals, the ambassadors of the Samnites found busy roasting rape at the fire, when they came to offer him the gold which he so indignantly refused. Moschion, too, a Greek author, has written a volume on the subject of the radish. These vegetables are considered a very useful article of food during the winter; but they are at all times very injurious to the teeth, as they are apt to wear them away; at all events, they give a polish to ivory. There is a great antipathy between the radish[15] and the vine; which last will shrink from the radish, if sown in its vicinity.
15. cabbage and
the vine. See B. xxiv. c. i.